Our motto: Experience-Listening-Ethics

The Founder

  • Over the past 27 years, Frédéric ELBAR has regularly acted as a partner of law firm in advisory and assistance assignments for international groups setting up operations in Central Africa, North Africa and Morocco in particular.
  • Head of the Central African offices of PWC (the world’s leading audit firm) (based in Cameroon for 6 years).
  • Founder and head of the Casablanca and Algiers offices of CMS Bureau Francis Lefebvre (France’s leading tax firm) for 8 years (based in Morocco).
  • He is living in Morocco for over 20 years.

See his Track Record

  • Elected by the French government as French Foreign Trade Advisor for Morocco from May 2005 to May 2011.
  • Founding member of the Moroccan branch of the IFA (International Fiscal Association) with the Moroccan Tax authority.
  • Elected by the French citizens living in Casablanca as advisor for the French Consulate (from
    2015 to 2022)


« MOROCCO-Tax and legal »; Ed Francis Lefebvre; Dossiers Internationaux collection

« Invest in Algeria » ; Ed UBIFRANCE: partnership with the French economic mission of Algiers.

« Invest in Libya » ; Ed UBIFRANCE: partnership with the French Economic Mission of Tripoli.


  • « Investing in real estate in Morocco » (Geneva 2006)
  • International taxation of subcontracting in emerging countries: the example of Morocco » (Paris 2007)
  • « Managing expatriates and secondees: the example of China and Morocco » (Paris 2008)
  • Euromed Roundtable with the economist (Dubaï 2008)
  • Working with Libya » (Tripoli 2009)
  • The Franco-Libyan tax treaty (with the Libyan tax authority ) – (Tripoli 2009)
  • Export caravan for Moroccan companies in Central Africa » Maroc Export (Casablanca 2010)
  • France-Morocco taxation for French residents in Morocco » (Marrakech 2012)
  • Matrimonial property regime and inheritance for French-Moroccan couples » (Casablanca 2015)
  • Taxation of non-residents of France (Casablanca 2017)
  • Tax amnisty for foreignes living in Morocco (with the French Consulate- Rabat 2018).
  • Management of financial assets abroad (Casablanca 2019)
  • Automatic exchange of banking data » (with the Swiss Chamber of Commerce in Morocco) (Marrakech 2020)
  • How to invest abroad to earn a good income » (Casablanca 2023)